Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving News!

Besides getting biscuits for Thanksgiving, Elizabeth received an engagement proposal and ring from Jonathan. We are very happy to welcome Jonathan into our family! And we know his family will love her and take her in, as they have done with her already and with us. No date has been set, but it will probably be sometime in the summer or fall of 2008 after Elizabeth graduates from Florida School of the Arts (FloArts). Don't they look perfect together?

Saturday, November 25, 2006


My side of the family is pretty untraditional when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner. Mom and I decided to make quesadillas--easy and good! Both Jessica and Elizabeth said, "No biscuits!" and "Biscuits don't go with quesadillas." So we had a second meal of great northern beans and biscuits. I'm sure Opa enjoyed that meal more than the quesadillas. The main thing was we were together and enjoyed our day without spending all our time in the kitchen.

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Monday, November 13, 2006

Where did Gigi go?

We dropped by Jessica and Casey's house Sunday for a short visit (Rebekah, we've had longer skype visits!), but mainly to give them some stuff. Of course, we had to play with and kiss on Samuel. I pulled out my handy digital camera to get a picture of him reaching for his toy. When I put the camera up to frame him in the screen, he started leaning way over. Jessica explained. He was looking for me since I was hidden behind the camera!

Bitter Sweet Day

Poor Jeff! This has not been his season. He was in stop and go traffic Saturday and had a fender bender at 5 mph! It didn't damage the other car at all, but because the other car had a wheel attached to the back, it caught Jeff's hood and buckled it up. The sweet part of the day was he did find an acoustic guitar he could love (he had been looking for two straight days and had been in every music store in Atlanta!). It hasn't come home yet; they are adding a pick-up system (don't ask me!). He will introduce his new love to me Tuesday. :) By the way, Jessica, I know how you like to mimic your dad with identical car "bumps" on your identical cars, but this is one you definitely should not emulate!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sittin' Around

A couple of weeks ago, Jeff had to have his shoulder manipulated (meaning he was anesthetized and his frozen shoulder was jerked around, breaking up adhesions!). He didn't go to work for almost two weeks. The entire time he was home he sat around watching DVD's. That sounds like fun, huh? Well, not really. The reason he watched DVD's so much was he had to sit in this chair with his arm strapped down, while the chair moved his arm all around, up, down, and sideways for 6 to 8 hours a day! It was painful at times--in the shoulder and in the behind! The chair was hard plastic, like a school cafeteria chair (so he would sit up straight and so he wouldn't fall asleep while strapped in). Not very comfortable. But he did watch an entire season of "CSI", "24", "Firefly" and two seasons of "Lost". You never met someone so happy to be told he could go back to work!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


One of Jeff's favorite pass-times is playing his guitar and, especially, if he can play with friends! Every now and then we get together at someone's house to eat and jam. Plus, Jeff may one day be a famous country song writer. So listen out for a hit. From the left is Jamie Northcutt, Steve Martini and Jeff.