Sittin' Around

A couple of weeks ago, Jeff had to have his shoulder manipulated (meaning he was anesthetized and his frozen shoulder was jerked around, breaking up adhesions!). He didn't go to work for almost two weeks. The entire time he was home he sat around watching DVD's. That sounds like fun, huh? Well, not really. The reason he watched DVD's so much was he had to sit in this chair with his arm strapped down, while the chair moved his arm all around, up, down, and sideways for 6 to 8 hours a day! It was painful at times--in the shoulder and in the behind! The chair was hard plastic, like a school cafeteria chair (so he would sit up straight and so he wouldn't fall asleep while strapped in). Not very comfortable. But he did watch an entire season of "CSI", "24", "Firefly" and two seasons of "Lost". You never met someone so happy to be told he could go back to work!
Oh please that couldn't have been that bad. He was just being a baby! Just kidding I felt so bad for him those 2 weeks.
Aw, poor Daddy! I'm sure you're glad not to be restricted anymore. :) Magdalena is glad that her Poppy will be able to play with her when she arrives 3 weeks from today!!
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