Over the Hills and Through the Woods . . .

Sometimes I get to spend the day with Samuel while his mommy is at work. I thoroughly enjoy those times, but by the end of the day I'm totally exhausted! It's a good thing we get to spoil the grand babies then send them home!
Okay, so I'm not called "granny." I'm way too young to be called "granny." But the title sounds good! :) It seems my grand daughter thinks I live in the computer. Yep, isn't she going to be surprised when she sees me in person again and sees that I'm not flat! Rebekah says whenever she wants to talk to Gigi, she goes to the computer and calls my name. As if she is saying, "Open the laptop, mommy, and let Gigi out." One time when we were skyping, she actually went to the back side of the computer looking for the rest of me! Two or three visits a year just isn't enough! I'm so excited that Magdalena, Rebekah and Petr will be living here in the states in just two months!
Elizabeth leaves for college in two days, so we invited Jessica, Casey, Samuel and Jonathan for one last evening of dinner and visiting (well, Jonathan will be back tomorrow). Samuel was having a wonderful time at Gigi's new house: opening all the kitchen cabinets, looking out the windows, walking up the stairs, playing on the totally enclosed deck and "talking" on the phone. We had finished dinner and were cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Jonathan, who could see the door from where he was sitting, announced the visitors as the police. We laughed, thinking he was being goofy. But when Jessica opened the door, sure enough, it was the police! They had received a 911 call from our house and were checking to see if we were all okay! No more "talking" on the phone for Samuel! I am curious what our neighbors are thinking with the Sheriff's department squad car in front of our house! We will keep them wondering!