Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Over the Hills and Through the Woods . . .

Jessica, Samuel and I try to visit Oma and Opa in Tennessee, about once a month. Samuel has such fun there "playing" with Oma's collection of dolls! One trip, Samuel was "attacked" by an earring post on a doll when he pulled her over on himself. I suggested we clear the living room before we let him loose, but we decided that would take quite awhile since she has quite an extensive collection!
Samuel's new thing is giving kisses. With his mouth wide open! A nice slobbery, wet kiss!

Don't you just love the story behind the picture? Everyone looks great, including Samuel who is laughing at his Oma's antics!

A Day with Samuel

Sometimes I get to spend the day with Samuel while his mommy is at work. I thoroughly enjoy those times, but by the end of the day I'm totally exhausted! It's a good thing we get to spoil the grand babies then send them home!Little boys are somewhat different than little girls. He loves his cars! Even though Magdalena loves her cars too, I don't think she makes the little car noises that Samuel makes when he is driving and crashing his vehicles. I know my three little girls didn't make the "sounds".

The couch is a bit tall for climbing up on, so Samuel found a little-boy sized "couch." Cleo didn't seem to mind sharing her bed with him.

Tigger is about as big as Samuel, but every time he is at Gigi and Poppy's house, he wants the stuffed animal. He has a hard time carrying Tigger very far.

Granny in a Box

Okay, so I'm not called "granny." I'm way too young to be called "granny." But the title sounds good! :) It seems my grand daughter thinks I live in the computer. Yep, isn't she going to be surprised when she sees me in person again and sees that I'm not flat! Rebekah says whenever she wants to talk to Gigi, she goes to the computer and calls my name. As if she is saying, "Open the laptop, mommy, and let Gigi out." One time when we were skyping, she actually went to the back side of the computer looking for the rest of me! Two or three visits a year just isn't enough! I'm so excited that Magdalena, Rebekah and Petr will be living here in the states in just two months!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Unexpected Visitors

Elizabeth leaves for college in two days, so we invited Jessica, Casey, Samuel and Jonathan for one last evening of dinner and visiting (well, Jonathan will be back tomorrow). Samuel was having a wonderful time at Gigi's new house: opening all the kitchen cabinets, looking out the windows, walking up the stairs, playing on the totally enclosed deck and "talking" on the phone. We had finished dinner and were cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Jonathan, who could see the door from where he was sitting, announced the visitors as the police. We laughed, thinking he was being goofy. But when Jessica opened the door, sure enough, it was the police! They had received a 911 call from our house and were checking to see if we were all okay! No more "talking" on the phone for Samuel! I am curious what our neighbors are thinking with the Sheriff's department squad car in front of our house! We will keep them wondering!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In the Spotlight

I guess Samuel is getting used to having to smile for the camera. He's perfected the toothy smile!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Out With the Old

Wow! You can get good help these days! We got a whole family of helpers! Thanks to all the Teagues! Darlene even vacuumed the walls and ceilings even though the dust isn't good for her asthma--thus the mask. We put Danielle and Joshua to work doing all kinds of things they had never done before and hope to never do again! :) We even had Alan down on the floor painting the kick board--along with painting walls and staining a deck. You might think I didn't do any work myself since I took all these pictures. But that would not be correct. We all worked (Elizabeth and Jeff included) until about 9:00 when we ordered pizza at the new house. Jeff and I were back on Sunday after church and didn't leave until 11:30 pm! I whined and cried all night long, I was so exhausted! For you church folks--I did move my "complaint fast" bracelet to the other arm. :(

In With the New

We closed on the new house Tuesday, July 31, and began taking a few boxes to the house. But the real work didn't begin until Friday morning when Two Men and a Truck sent three guys (okay, so much for "two men"!) to load up all the remaining boxes (probably about 150, of which about 50 were books!) and furniture. Papa Bo came to help with his truck too. So, total we had Five Men, One Lady, One Huge Truck and Two Smaller Trucks!

The two heaviest items were the piano and the computer armoire. The piano stayed downstairs in the library, but the armoire had to go upstairs. I don't have any pictures of them moving it because I had to leave! It was scary! They were all worn out when they got it in place.
The same day, we had our new bedroom furniture delivered and set up. Jeff and I have been married 32 years this month and have slept on "borrowed" family furniture all these years. We both love our new bed and comforter! I have even made up the bed almost every day since we moved in!