Family tradition for 15 years now, is to visit the beach every summer for one or two weeks of relaxing, swimming, playing games, watching movies til late, and more. We stay in the same house every year, which makes it feel like it belongs to us and we make ourselves at home. This year, Beth and her girls and Annalee's friend, Tamara spent a week before the family joined me. Beth and I got into some creative loafing and didn't even get into our swim suits once! At 50 years old, I think the time has come to abandon those things! :) But we walked on the beach every day; our favorite time being just before sunset.
We also visited Appalachicola, a nearby "old Florida" town. We poked around in the antique shops, got ice cream and avoided a creep who was following Annalee and Tamara. We also spent time in the bookstore--one of our favorite things to do! :) Just a nice restful day.
But we did have trouble finding a decent place to eat seafood during the week! The restaurant we always visit has gone out of business (the story involves a jerk of a husband-owner leaving the wife-owner for a young waitress, along with a ton of debt!). We loved that place situated on a marina with a beautiful view of the water and boats moored at the pier. We got a recommendation by some locals and the food was good enough, but sure wasn't the same atmosphere!
Of course, the trip wouldn't be complete without lots of conversation! Beth and I hadn't seen each other in almost a year since her move to Virginia. Sunday, after we arrived on Saturday, Beth and I offered to go grocery shopping and let the girls stay at the beach house. We ate some lunch, then decided to visit one of our "boutiques" before heading to Walmart. We pulled into the lot, parked and sat in the car finishing our conversation--which kept us there for about 2 1/2 hours! We never did make it into the store. :) We did, however, make it to Walmart for food (the next most important thing after catching up!).