New House

Well, I have finally found a few minutes to sit down and post an updated picture of the house. At least the outside. It's beginning to look like time to move in! And it almost is! We close next Tuesday and move in on Friday. We are so excited; I'm ready to move in today! Actually, I'm not ready to move in today because I'm still packing. Our present home is being "renovated"--new paint, new garage doors, roof repairs, deck and porch stained, etc, etc, etc. I have been cleaning the basement (two pick-up truck loads to the dump and at least that much or more, not counting the furniture, to donate to Goodwill). The house at Sunset Lane is looking good! We've had two people say it looked so good now, did it make us want to stay. But the answer is "no!" We are ready for our new beautiful house! I'm sure I will be sad when we are actually moving out. Fourteen years is a long time to stay in one house (especially for me, who has never lived in one house longer than three years before we moved here!). Our kids grew up here and there are lots of memories! But I'll think about that tomorra' (Scarlet O'Hara style).
I like it.For me is certainly "dream house" where i never can live.
Thanks so much to everybody that we(me too!)can join u and live there with u yall - soon. I will miss my home in Czech Republic but I believe that you will help me ...
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