Rendezvous with a Missionary
Candace is a teacher and dorm mom for missionary kids at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya. She is also my first cousin. She has been in Africa for a little more than a year. Even though she lived in Washington State before she left, we were able to see one another fairly frequently when she would travel to Georgia to see family. So when I found out she was coming stateside, I was excited about the prospect of spending time with her. To my dismay, I discovered she was flying into Atlanta on the same day as Sarah's wedding in Virginia and would be leaving our area on the day I would travel home. As the Lord knew to work it out, she would be traveling north on I-40 when I would be traveling south on the same highway! Perfect! We would meet on the road for a good visit!
We started our rendezvous at Red Lobster for a wonderfully delicious lunch. But when we discovered there were no outlets to plug in a dying computer, we adjourned to Starbucks (oh, the travesty of having to order a caramel frappuccino!). God bless Starbucks! No matter how long one stays, they never make a fuss! We talked and drank coffee and talked some more! Then we plugged in the computer and watched her fund-raising DVD's and viewed pictures of her adventures since her arrival in Africa. I loved seeing where she works and plays and loves on MK's! Now I can picture in my mind her walking to classes each day. I have seen some of the faces of students she ministers to. I know where she shops. I see the view of the Rift Valley from the campus. Her life is a part of me.
I began reading, back in the spring, a small book written by a fellow teacher at Rift Valley Academy--"All That You Can't Leave Behind: A Rookie Missionary's Life in Africa." I was having a hard time connecting to the journal-style story line. I had put the book aside, unfinished until today. Something prompted me to pick it up and read it again. Now that I have seen pictures and video of Candace's daily life, I am better able to relate to his narrative. What he has depicted as his first year at RVA three years ago, is exactly what Candace has just lived out and described to me in detail! I am truly in awe of Candace's walk of faith--stepping out with only God as her safety net! And it is thrilling to see her thrive in a land and culture that is so foreign to us in the States.
Candace and me.
Candace and her friend, Caroline, from West Virginia, who was her ride that day.