One of my favorite places to visit when in Prague is Vysehrad. This is the mythical site for the founding of Prague by Libuse in the 8th century and the site of Prague's first castle built in the 10th century. Its location overlooking the Vltava River makes it one of the most scenic places to visit. Elizabeth and I have come here in the dead of winter (it was even snowing) with our cameras and baguettes to wander about and enjoy the quiet beauty. Rebekah, Magdalena and I brought Catherine Crawford (a former CFT student, who happened to be in Prague a few days) to see our favorite site.

The focal point (after the view of the city and river) is the Cathedral of Sts. Paul and Peter decorated inside in the Art Nouveau style (think Mucha). Surrounding the church, on one side, is a park (above with church) highlighting statues of the members of the founding Premyslid dynasty.

The other side has a cemetery with many of Czech's famous citizens buried here--Dvorák, Smetana, Mucha, Milada Horakova (a martyred Czech resistance movement member). This is a view of some of the mausoleums.

After walking the area, we took Magdalena home and to bed. Petr babysat while the three of us went into Old Town to eat at the Bohemia Bagel--always a treat. Of course, we realized we hadn't taken a single picture of us while together, so I can't prove Catherine was there! :)
Vysehrad is beautiful but Magda is better! We want Magda! Just kidding(well I mean it but this blog was better than nothing). I really do love it there! I wish I was with ya'll.
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