Home Improvements
One of the cons of living in a subdivision with a homeowners association is making sure we follow the rules (which I sometimes, don't even know!). Spring 2008, we received, along with many other homeowners, a notice that we needed to replace the mulch or pine straw in our islands. Who knew it had to be freshened!? So we dutifully had new bark put down. Fast forward to this spring. We knew the notice was coming. (Actually the notice we received was that we had too many weeds in the lawn. Sigh.) But before they could notify us, we were blessed with free wood chips! Several trees across the street in the woodsy part of the common area had died over the winter and needed to come down. When the guys came out to do the job, Jeff noticed the sign on the truck door, "Ask us about Free Chips." So he did! They had not promised the chips to anyone yet, so dumped the whole truck load on our side yard in the pine straw. Jeff spent days transporting them by wheelbarrow to our beds and islands. That, along with the new trees and plants we planted, is helping the yard get shaped up!
Snakes? Ok, so maybe when we get together next, we need to do it at MY house! LOL!
The improvements look great - but not the snake skin. I'm glad to be far away from there at this moment! Good thing Cleo was going crazy over just a skin instead of the real thing. Daddy might have had to become Mr. Vet at home not just at work!
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